Scripting Tellers to Maximize Sales

Posted on February 11, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , |

I spend a lot of time conducting one-on-one sales training sessions with tellers. I do this to give each teller the opportunity to express their feelings and talk about issues they have with selling. Through these conversations I have found that in many cases, it is what the teller is saying that is causing them to feel uncomfortable, or worse, causing them not to make product referrals at all. I ask them to write down what they usually say when someone approaches them to cash a paycheck, for example. Most times it begins with mentioning a product, and produces a quick “no thanks” from the customer.

There is a particular tried and true formula for teller scripting that makes everyone feel much more comfortable, and does not feel like “selling”. Once tellers are scripted in their own words using this formula, they become experts at having productive, helpful conversations with customers, and sales occur naturally. I always have them write down their new script, and test it. I also have sample scripts that other tellers have developed that they can try also, until they find one that works for them.   

A correct script for teller sales training does not focus on any product or service,  it usually begins with a question that prompts clues to customer needs, then a sentence or two pointing to the benefits of an appropriate product. The product itself does not matter to any customer, it is the end result that the customer “buys”.  This is the most difficult concept for tellers to understand, but once they do, they become more comfortable in their role as salesperson, because they don’t feel like they are “selling”, and the customer doesn’t feel as if they are being “sold”.

For teller sales training and scripting advice, contact Karen at

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